Monday, August 27, 2012

austin is one!

little man turned one! but...little man has a fever and needs me. so here are some pictures. i will have to finish the post later. duty calls.
ok. i'm back. over a week later. one year old and a five year old does not leave much blog time.
as usual. austin is amazing. well. we love him. he's a boy. he's a baby (i do not say toddler until he walks and is "bigger"). he is a doll and he is a brat. he is crazy obsessed with anything with a motor. 
A N Y T H I N G. no joke. i vacuum and he says brm brm. he is all boy all the time and daddy couldn't be happier about that. 
i can't say there is a big "i'm one" change. we are just going day by day with nursing and breast milk and not doing the "he's one, cold turkey to milk". see. you learn a little with each kid i think. he has milk when sissy will share and he loves it. but thankfully we had tons of milk frozen and he is still a happy little nurser in the morning and late very late in the night. no, he doesn't sleep through the night anymore. why? probably my fault. he makes a noise and i get him. no need to wake courtney up too is my theory. it won't last forever. in the meantime, i'm tired some mornings. 
he has eight teeth, sucks his thumb when he sleeps, can stand on his own, can take a step or two, signs 'more, eat, drink, milk, i love you, all done, baba', says 'mama, sissy, dada, doggie, no no, ni ni, nana, thank you, all gone and blue', waves bye-bye, blows kisses, i think that's it. 
our newest thing is him eating with a fork. he will eat twice as much if i will stab it with a fork for him to feed himself. what a weird-o.
austin wears mostly 18 mo clothing and size four shoes when i put them on him. we are into size three diapers but do size four during the night. he wants everything sissy has and to do everything she is doing. i do recall my dad telling me they called me "me too" for a while. whatever my sister was doing i was saying "me too". i do believe we have another 'me too' on our hands. and i love it. courtney told me today that austin is her best friend. so precious.

Monday, August 20, 2012

courtney starts kindergarten

i'm not going to cry (again)...i'm not going to cry...i'm not going to cry. ok. i'm going to cry. yes. today our sweet baby girl started kindergarten. i. can. not. believe. it. i mean, i can because she is there and not here, but where does time go? i look back at the latest posts and see austin growing month by month. but courtney is five and sitting in a kindergarten class right now. it blows my mind how it goes by and i know it is going faster and faster each day. i would like to say i did well this morning. i cried. but she didn't know it. i was so worried about dropping her off and her seeing me cry and she starts crying and then i can't leave because she doesn't want me to leave and it would be a big ordeal. well. it wasn't. she was such a big girl and so excited. i love our little (big) girl so much and i am so proud to be a mommy of a kindergartener. and of course we took tons of photos.