Sunday, May 27, 2012

austin is nine months old

well. time has finally slowed down i think. or has it? nine months ago we we blessed with this sweet baby boy. he hasn't changed all that much since eight months. maybe that's why i feel like time has slowed down a little. not as many big milestones. he got his first official haircut - at master cuts. and he. hated. it. not only did he cry; he screamed. the entire time. it was all daddy's idea and daddy held him during the whole event so he was mad at daddy for a couple of hours. 

other than that. he is our little army crawler and goes quite fast. he can't slowly cruise holding on to the couch but is really not happy about doing that these days. he loves playing ball (praise Jesus) and will roll it back and forth as long as you want to. he is into twelve month clothes but i doubt he will stay there long. austin is another one of our water babies. he loves being in the water. the tub is our go to when it's not quite bed time and not quite time to eat. his new favorite is the lake. seriously. the boy will float on his back wearing his vest. who does that? we are still going strong on breast feeding though the boy loves his food too. we don't do much home made baby food anymore as he usually will just eat what we are having. he adores is daddy and sissy though still wants mama when he is tired or not feeling well. i would say he weighs about twenty four pounds though he hasn't been to the doctor since he was about a month old. he is healthy and happy. all in all. we love our little boy and he loves us.

this is his "smile" aka scrunch face

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

a rarity

not only a picture of myself and paul but a good one! from our bible study group with our church...that I have yet to blog about for nothing more than lack of time. It's coming soon. meanwhile. i love my husband and a rare cute photo of us.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

courtney's 5 year old photos

ok. i'm going to be real. i can not believe our baby girl is five. where does time go? i know; "she's only five" but for me. that is a long time. it seem like yesterday i was teaching her to talk and now i'm teaching her to read. i mean, really? i asked courtney the day before her birthday if she had to turn five. her reply "yes, God says so". oh, i argued that. i proceeded to ask her if she would still turn five if we drove around backwards all day. she says yes, she still will. "nothing will stop it" is what I do believe she said. so. on may tenth. she turned five. so, as i always have done and will do until she tells me she's too old...i took her pictures. and let me be real again. she is BEAUTIFUL. really, who made this girl? she is simply amazing. at five she is finishing up her k-4 year which she has loved (even nap time these days). she adores her baby brother and maybe even more; her older brother. she loves polly pockets and those creepy little dolls aka lala loopsy dolls. she is in gymnastics and can pretty much rock a cartwheel. she is crazy interested in playing the guitar; left handed - weird! she is such a comedian and loves to make people smile. no, she isn't perfect but no need to write bad things here. we L O V E this little girl and are so thankful that we are her parents. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

why do i wait so long

i have good intentions. i really do. to blog way. more. often. why don't i? why do i wait so long then have to decide between some times hundreds of (purely awesome of course) pictures? i don't know. i'm busy i guess. taking pictures maybe, but busy. sitting down at the computer is not what i want to do and the blogger app is great but it makes your photos huge and i like our blog to have a consistent look and it breaks that. so. here i am. randomly adding photos that are old. old is shorter when you have a baby because a month or two ago is a long time in their little life. oh well. here there are. first one is austin at the park. simply gorgeous. he is gorgeous.
this picture is a "classic" if you know me at all or knew me as a child. the other day i asked courtney to go get dressed herself. i know. she's almost five. but i still dress her every day. but this day i was busy, not blogging, but busy and when she came out i had a flashback, a tear and a chuckle. this was my attire from, oh, about age four to...twelve. i love her. love love love her.

ok. not the best picture ever. but it is the meaning of the picture some times. this is the box. the box of little books. austin's favorite toy. no. not the books. the box. at this time he would roll to where this box was, empty out the books and roll around with the box. he loves this box. if i need him to entertain himself, i give him this box. at least it's a cute box of bible stories, right?

this could quite possibly be my favorite picture yet. austin loves going in to wake sissy up for school. i'm not even joking. i get him and ask him if he wants to wake sissy up and he smiles every time. i usually lay him with her and he will eventually pull her hair but she is so sweet in the mornings and just nicely says 'stop austin, no no'. i don't know how i got this picture but it is perfect. 

and there is courtney. our simply beautifully sweet baby girl. this was just the other day before school. a time i thought she was crazy cute and had to snap a picture. paul thinks the sweater is silly. i believe his words were 'where is the rest of it'. gotta love him. it's cute. she kind of looks like she is marching but she has those light up sketchers on and we were trying to capture the entire moment. failed.

so. that's it. for now. oh my. i just remembered i have more to post. but i think i'll wait. maybe not so long this time though.