Saturday, November 26, 2011

Austin's Dedication

A couple of weeks ago we dedicated Austin to the Lord. We believe that as Christian parents we dedicate our children to the Lord, making a promise to the Lord to do everything within our power to raise them in a godly way, prayerfully until they can make the decision to follow Christ on their own. We were excited to learn that our church was doing a special service for baby dedications and making it a night just about dedication. We are blessed to have some wonderful friends who were there with us along with my parents and brother.

November in a flash...

Where did November go? I do not know but I have a few pictures from the whole month. :-) Having a 4 year old and an infant is time consuming. I will say that at the least. As winter rolls around we are spending more and more time in the house and trying to find new and exciting things to do. One night Courtney and I made donuts, heart shaped donuts. We are finding that making things from scratch is fun and not too hard and we have a blast doing it!

Austin is amazing. He is growing SO fast. He hasn't been back to the doctor yet but the scale says he weighs about 16 lbs already! Almost double is birth weight in less than 3 months!

Courtney got to wear purple (instead of uniform dress) a few weeks ago to honor all the veterans. She learned that when they are wounded in war they get a purple heart. She also learned that her Great Bopa and Great Grandpa earned purple hearts. 

I just think this picture is funny.

The K-4 classes at school put on a Thanksgiving program that was SO cute! Courtney had her first line in the program and she did great! She told part of the story saying "They crossed the ocean in a ship called the Mayflower". I was so proud of her because as outgoing as she is, every time she had been on stage before she clammed up, and that was in a group. So when she had to stand with only a couple other kids with a microphone I was wondering how she would do. She nailed it! I love being a mom!

"Floating Butterfly" - her indian name she chose.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween 2011...our little bees

 I must admit, I'm not a fan of halloween. Sorry. Just not. It's scary for little ones, it's expensive for 3 hours of enjoyment and all these people give my children tons of candy for me to have to tell them no they can't eat it. Seriously, who came up with this??? :-) Anyway, all that aside, we had a wonderful time this year to tell the truth. I found these bee outfits at a consignment sale for a whoppin...ready?...$5 a piece! Austin's came with ALL of that! We got the kids ready and headed over to a larger neighborhood and walked (yes, we still walked...we didn't drive along side of her like some weird-o parents) up and down street after street and had a blast. Austin slept the whole time and didn't mind I wasn't getting him candy...I think that's just weird when parents do that for the baby. And Courtney had an absolute blast. So much so that when we got home, her and Daddy went all around our neighborhood too...and the neighborhood next to ours...and across from ours. She scored TONS of candy, but most of all had a fun time running around with her Daddy. As you can see in the last picture, Courtney was HAPPY. Possibly because I decided long ago that when they get home from trick-or-treating, they can have as much candy as they want. I know, that's horrible, right?  Most parents probably say "pick one"...I mean, seriously, that is just cruel! You go to Starbucks and just take one sip of your pumpkin spice latte! Try it. So, she was all sugared up and happy as can be. (she only ate 3-4 pieces, kids don't really want THAT much candy either).