Monday, March 12, 2012

because i blink...i blog

ok. one more time. because i blink...i blog

believe it or not, i struggle with creativity. what? annie? no way! i am creative in every way but a stinking blog name. i have been blogging for years now and i have had two oh so very creative names for these blogs. C.A.P.E - Courtney, Annie, Paul, Ethan and A.C.E - Austin, Courtney, Ethan with the birth of our baby boy. dropping myself and paul for no reason other than i could not come up with an acronym using all of our initials. seriously, how lame is that? i read blogs of people who seem so creative with their names. granted, some have rockin' names to use like "slaughter". but, i do not. i have a last name that i have to spell for everyone. which i love because it is my husband's. but it was not a blogging name that was just awesome by itself. justice. a new friend's last name is justice. that is a good blogging last name. so many options. or what about my sister in law. who today i ask her to come up with a blog name and she calls me a mere, oh, ten minutes later with a super cute idea with an even super cuter "sub-blog page". really? ten minutes? oh well. off that soap box. i love my last name. my husband doesn't want it on our blog anyway for all those people who stalk us. which he doesn't know that i'm usually the only one reading our blog anyway. and i'm ok that it took me only three years and ten minutes to come up with a good blog name. again, oh well.

so i was sitting in my 'pumping chair' - which, mind you i calculated today that i have sat in for way over one hundred hours since my sweet baby boy was born five months ago - thinking. that's what you do when you pump breast milk, right? think. and i thought "the other day someone told me not to blink" i'm sure i was talking about how fat i mean fast austin has grown and it hit me! why do i blog? because i blink! i blink and so do we all. God says this life is just a blink of an eye. blinking and blogging are my things. i blog for my kids. a digital memory book that i print each year (for the day the internet is obsolete too, books will always be around) so. even though i blink and my little girl is 4 and my baby boy is five months old, i blog to keep track of all the things that happen with my eyes wide open. as much as i would like to say i will remember all these things when i'm old and grey. no grey yet. i will not. and i will mix up what really happened. which will be totally fine and even quite comical at times. if you have a grandma over the age of, oh, 75, you know what i'm talking about. but i want to be able to hand this over to my kids one day and them to theirs and so on until the bindings are so worn out that the book is put away by someone who couldn't stand see it get ruined. one of my offspring are bound to inherit this trait from my as i inherited it from my grandmother who keeps everything and i am so thankful she does. 

so that's it. we have a new blog name and that was a very long story to why. though we are done having kids and i would not have the horrible dilemma of once again having to shuffle around our initials for the perfect yet still completely lame acronym, i am happy to announce our new blog name and also know it is here to stay. heck, maybe it will make me write better since i won't stare at A.C.E. or C.A.P.E. for five minutes every time i want to blog and completely lose all creative energy within the frustration of a horrible blog name. maybe.

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