Really. 3 months old. Already. It is amazing how fast time goes. I will say with Austin I have looked forward to him getting "older". I LOVED him being tiny, I truly embraced him being small and sleeping all my arms at times...regardless of the criticism I got. He was held SO much and I don't regret a single moment of it. I did NOT spoil him, it wasn't possible. He now sleeps in his own bed, all the time. He actually won't sleep on me or with me; he loves HIS bed. The other night he was "needy" and he fell asleep while I held him; you should have seen me; I stood as long as I could then I...s l o w l y....sat down so he would stay asleep since it had been so long since he did that. He goes to bed all on his own, doesn't need to be rocked or talked to or a noise maker or a paci. You wrap him up, lay him down and he will go to sleep. So, the moral of my story? Hold your babies, sleep with them during the day, pick them up when they cry, coddle them, cuddle them, spend every second you want with them in your arms. They will grow out of it, they will not "need" you every second of every day when they get "bigger". He is 3 months old and that time of "spoiling him" is gone and again, looking back, I don't regret a single second of it and at the same time I don't feel like I missed a single second of it.
So anyway, here are his 3 month pictures. Gorgeous as can be. He is a smiling machine, LOVES to smile and talk - especially if I talk back in 'baby talk'. He laughs and is ticklish under his arms. The funniest part of him so far is when you undress him...he L O V E S it. He can be in a full out cry and if you take his shirt off he smiles and draws his hand up to his is the cutest thing EVER. He has also found his hands and will suck his thumb (or whole hand if he can fit it) which is precious. He rolled from his back to his belly the other day, total accident though. And he spins in his bed...something Courtney never did so it creeped me out at first. I put him in bed one way and find him turned 180 degrees many times. Austin is also much different than his sister in he will wake up and "play" for a good hour before he needs me to get him from bed. Maybe God's way of helping me out when I need to get Courtney ready for school? I think so. :-)
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