Since it's been a week, I can post about Courtney graduating kindergarten now. I was pretty emotional about it for a few days to be real real. I say "I can't believe she is done with kindergarten already" all the time, but really I can. She has grown so much over the past months and it is very believable and obviously very real. What amazes me is her growth in learning, how she can read so well, her understanding of math and space, her growth in her knowledge of the Bible and God and her growth as a person who is loving. During graduation, each child gets a character award, and Courtney's was "confidence". It always is cool to watch the awards be given out. Why? Because each child gets a different award and each award is so perfectly fitting. You can hear the laughter and smiles as each award is given and fits so perfectly. Courtney is very confident, she is smart and knows God's truths but she has grown so much in her ability to be a friend and know the way God is wanting her to be. She doesn't always succeed but she is still growing and learning. I would say this year at Providence was a complete success. Does that mean it went perfect? Does that mean I didn't get frustrated? Does that mean she never missed an answer? Does that mean she woke up every school day not waiting to go? No, not at all. We had a successful year, we grew together, we learned together, we made our way together, we adjusted that way when Austin got too old and too young all at the same time, where we couldn't do our school work when he was awake. We laughed and giggled together, we cried and whined together, we even looked at each other with confusion some times. But, all in all, it was a success and I am excited to continue on that path with her...after an rockin' summer in the sun and with lots of swimming! So, as her cake said at our Chuck-E-Cheese party afterwards - Bye Bye Kindergarten!